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Past Masters and Officers of the Lodge

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Nick Garnish, PSGD, MetGInsp, Charity Steward

Nick was initiated into his Old School Lodge, (Old Chigwellians No. 6648) in 1992, and became Worshipful Master in 1998, when the lodge celebrated its 50th anniversary. He was invested as a Met Grand Inspector in 2019. This caused him to join Skelmersdale Lodge No. 1658 which he rescued by successfully steering it toward the University Scheme. Nick joined the Worshipful Company of Bakers, and this led to him becoming a joining member of Laus Deo Lodge No. 4821 in 2003, quickly joining City of London Lodge of Installed Masters No. 8220 in 2004.
In Grand Lodge he was appointed PAGStB in 2018 and promoted to PSGD in 2020.

He was exalted into the Royal Arch in 1995, in Essex Schools Chapter No. 6648, becoming First Principal in 2003.

Nick is a Court member of the Worshipful Company of Bakers. He is a career investment banker, and is currently Treasurer, for Europe, Asia & Australia, of a large Canadian bank. So, it is no surprise that he is also a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers, which he joined in 2009 and where he has recently been elected as Junior Warden. He is looking forward to progressing to Master.

Keith Gilbert OSM, PGSwdB, Secretary

Keith was initiated into the Radius Lodge No. 5474 in London in 1972. Moving around the country he became Worshipful Master of Skelmersdale Lodge No 1380 in the Province of West Lancashire in 1983. Moving to Hertfordshire he joined Harpenden Lodge No. 4314 in 1986 and was Worshipful Master in 2000. He held Provincial Offices including ProvStwd and ProvGSec, and was appointed as APGM in 2011. In Grand Lodge he was appointed PAGDC in 2004 and promoted to PSGD in 2011. He joined Globe Lodge No.23 in 1996 and was a Grand Steward in 2014. As the co-ordinator of planning for the successful UGLE Tercentenary Celebrations, he was awarded the Grand Master’s Order of Service to Freemasonry and promoted to PGSwdB. He is a member and Past Master of Hertfordshire’s Masters’ Lodge No. 4090 and is a founder member and Past Master of the Lodge of the Red Rampant Lyon No. 9843.

He was exalted into Bedeword Chapter No. 7274 in 1976. Joining Harpenden RA Chapter No.4314 he became Z in 1995. He was appointed PAGDC in Supreme Grand Chapter in 2005 and promoted to PGStB in 2015. He was Advanced in the Freshfield Lodge of Mark Master Masons, Southport, in 1981 and is a Past Master of Harpenden Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1254. He was appointed PAGDC in 2004 and RAM Grand Rank in 2011.

Keith is a Freeman of the City of London and has been a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers since 2015.

Charles Bartholomew PAGStB, Almoner

Charles Bartholomew was initiated into Pellipar Lodge No. 2693, the first City Livery Lodge, in 1969, becoming Worshipful Master for the first time in 1979. He held London and Senior London Grand Rank, and was appointed PAGStB in 2019. He is also a member of Shakespeare Lodge No. 284 in Warwick. He is a Visiting Officer in the City Inspectorate of Metropolitan Grand Lodge.

He was exalted into Mount Moriah Chapter No. 143, becoming First Principal in 1986.

Charles is a Freeman of the City of London, and has been a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Skinners since 1975.

W.Bro Robert Lakić PJGD, MetGInsp, Director of Ceremonies

Since his initiation into Canonbury Lodge No.657 in 1991, Robert has gone on to join a further eleven Masonic orders.

In 2016 he was appointed to serve a three year term as a Metropolitan Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. Subsequently, at the March 2020 Metropolitan investitures the MetGM invested and installed him as a Metropolitan Grand Inspector of a Royal Arch Inspectorate consisting of 53 London chapters. Robert, a 31°, is also the Group Recorder for the St John Group of Rose Croix Chapters, for which VW Bro. Graham Redman, DepGSec is the Inspector General.

Robert  became a Freeman of the City of London in 1993 before being admitted to the Worshipful Company of Glovers in 2017.


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