- No. 8220 -
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About Us


The City of London Lodge of Installed Masters No. 8220 is perhaps the pre-eminent Installed Masters Lodge in Metropolitan Grand Lodge (Metropolitan) and possibly wider still. It was formed in 1968 and now has rather more than 300 members. It is the only independent Lodge that has the privilege of meeting in Guildhall, in the heart of the City of London. It enthusiastically adheres to the aim of all Installed Masters Lodges, to promote and advance Masonic knowledge. It also has an impressive history in the cause of Charity.

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HOW AND WHEN IT ALL BEGANDecoration element

The Lodge was formed in 1968 and the motivation for it came from the late W Bro. Clifford Jeapes, a Grand Officer whose first thoughts about such a Lodge came to him when he was Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Love & Friendship – the Lodge of the Worshipful Company of Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers. He had been on a visit to Taurus Lodge (the Lodge of the Butchers Company) when he perceived that as his Mastership would soon be over the invitations to the various Sister City Livery Lodges would soon cease and he would be denied the easy continuation of the firm friendships he had made during that enjoyable period. His idea of forming a City Livery Past Masters Lodge was tested over drinks with three other Livery Lodge Masters, received enthusiastic support and so it eventually came into being. In 2018 the Lodge celebrated its 50th Anniversary at a Gala Dinner in the Great Hall of Guildhall. At that meeting it gifted £50,000 equally between the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and the Metropolitan Masonic Charity.

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WHAT IS OUR MOTIVATIONDecoration element

The purpose of an Installed Masters Lodge like No. 8220 was, and is, to afford an opportunity for contact between Rulers in the Craft, so that they might consider situations and problems affecting the Craft and their individual Lodges, as well as advancing Masonic enlightenment. In the latter regard, the aim is the study of the teachings of Freemasonry, its history and symbolism and its ancient traditions; above all for this Lodge, it was to foster and maintain friendships amongst Liverymen and to reflect upon their duties and responsibilities to one another and to the outside world. As well as being an opportunity to attend lectures and discussions on interesting Masonic topics, and the occasional historical demonstration, it serves as a meeting venue for experienced City Masons to mix in a relaxed setting, to discuss issues concerning their Lodges and Freemasonry generally, renew and establish friendships, and gather in a happy and fraternal setting.

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