On Thursday, 27th June 1968, London Freemasonry witnessed the consecration of its third Lodge of Installed Masters, in the wake of Jubilee Masters Lodge (1898) and Euclid Lodge of Installed Masters (1956). There were 98 Founders and 135 guests in Lodge Room No. 10 at Freemasons’ Hall to witness the event, including numerous Masonic celebrities of the time and a veritable sea of Grand Officers. The Consecrating Officer was R W Bro. Maj. Sir Allan Adair, Assistant Grand Master.
The Consecrating Chaplain was V W Bro. Rev Canon Richard Tydeman, who gave an impressive Oration based on the ethos of the Craft and noting that this new Lodge would afford both time and opportunity for further (Masonic) study. An extract of the Oration has forever appeared on the Lodge Summons, reminding us of our duties and the manner in which they should be performed. He commented that it was entirely appropriate that the Lodge would meet in the City of London where, 251 years ago to the week, the Grand Lodge of England had its birth. The Lodge would advance knowledge through lectures, dialogues, discussions and demonstrations. Indeed, it has, and you will peruse with interest the varied topics that have been covered over 40 years.